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The Real Ghost Stories

Blue Lights 

This story takes place in the late summer/early fall of 2005

In January of 2005, my husband and I purchased a new home which was built in 1870

One evening, my husband and I were sitting in the living room watching tv right next to the living room, is our dining room

All of a sudden, we saw a huge flash of bright blue light come from the dining room. A couple of later it happened again, a bright blue flash of light

I got up to investigate, and stood in the entrance to the dining room

At the time, we temporarily had a small tv in the dining room as well, this had been turned off all day, but I noticed it was on when I approached the dining room

As I was scanning the room, my eyes were drawn to something I had never seen before

About 5 feet in front of me, towards the ceiling, there was a glowing blue ball of light

It was a little bit smaller than a basket ball, and was perfectly round

It just "stood" there not moving, yet I can only describe it as having a lot of energy

This whole time, my boyfriend was just in the next room and it never occurred to me to tell him to come and take a look

It's not that I was frozen, it's just that I was completely surprised and in awe of what I was looking at

I felt as though it was also observing me. On the other side of the dining room is my kitchen

The blue "orb" stayed in that spot for probably 45 seconds

It then "shot" down into my kitchen

It moved very quickly, in a matter of a second it was on the farthest side of my kitchen on the floor

As it shot down, it was still blue, but did not do it as a ball

It shot as a smaller "beam" of blue light

When it reached the kitchen, it started "moving around..." It was around 3-4 feet high, and maybe 2-3 feet wide, and was just a mass of moving blue light

I have a difficult time explaining that part

At that point, I realized I needed to tell my husband what I was seeing

I walked back into the room he was in and told him what I had seen

When we got back to the kitchen, whatever it was, was gone. About 2 months later, I was upstairs alone in our bedroom

I witnessed the huge blue flash of light out in the hallway

I went immediately down stairs

I wasn't scared of it the first time it happened, but I didn't want to witness it while alone. Since these two experiences, I haven't encountered the blue light or orb again, and wonder if I ever will

Another time, I was alone in our living room with my stepson

I believe it was the spring following the above experiences

It was around noon, and the sun was out bright

Suddenly the room went completely pitch black for a couple of seconds

There are windows surrounding the room, and the sun was shining through all of them, but the room fell completely black

My stepson asked what had just happened and I told him it was nothing, but it was very unusual and I usually have an explanation for things. We have experienced other unusual things in this house since day one

Maybe I'll post them on here some other time. 
